Friday, November 2, 2012

Some Old Photos(Memories).

I've been awake for 43 hours.
No nap no rest at all.
So this post going to have photos and photos.
I found all this photos from my external hard-disc, so what more better time than now to post? 

These are photos of my secondary school life~
Seems gayish, well, I studied in boys school, so I have no choice~

Those time where I'm so free~~

My very 1st band in life~

1st time having Japanese as my friend~ But I've lost contact with them.
What a sad thing~

Back in those time during my PMR period. My old tuition friends.
The same thing again, we've lost contact~

YuKee in school uniform~~

My old Frisbee team~

My very own 16th years old birthday~

Back in year 2010~

This photo reminds me of those days where I lie to my parents. 
What a hidden relation I had with her without informing parents~

What I concerned most during school time was hair~
I wonder why..

This was what I do when I'm bored~

My 17th birthday celebration with my ex and my sister's boy friend~

Friends from Australia~~

Okay, I shall call it an end~ Time for me to sleep~~
I can feel there are 89kg on my eyes~ 
Good night~

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