Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Surprise : Love you Brother

This morning which is just now.
I receive a big surprise from my younger brother.
He send me a present.
I did not aspect receiving any present this year actually,
but he gave me one.
When I 1st saw it, I felt like crying.
It's really a warm thing to receive such gift from him.
I've heard about him saving his pocket money just to buy this 3D puzzles.
But I never knew he bought for me.
Yong Yong! I love you so much~
I'm really sorry that I'm always busy in KL and couldn't really accompany you.
But, koko promise will work really really hard to make you, papa, mama and sis happy~
I love you so much! Thanks

 Look at his cute and simple wishes!

The 1st layer~

 The 2nd layer~

 His special gift! 

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