Wednesday, July 3, 2013


People always question me, "What kind of girl you like?", "Why are you still single?" & "Why so choosy?". I shall answer all this question right now. I just want to find a person who is as lovely as my mum. It doesn't matter how she look and how old is she(of cause not too far apart), as long as she's one nice and lovely girl I will go for it.

Have I found "her"? The answer is yes. Actually I've found her since December 2012. She's a good looking, responsible, kind, funny, and sometimes a bit cute. Since the day I met her, I knew that this world does exist a girl that I dream of. She is almost perfect. She make me felt so in love whenever I'm with her. 

Why didn't I chase after her? Not afraid of losing her? I also do hope I can chase after her and make her my last love. But I do need to consider a lot of things. If I really love her, I need to work hard in every single way to make sure I can provide her a good future. I hope she can be the most happy and lucky girl on earth. I wish to give her all the romance that she deserve and give her all respect that she supposed to have. I just want her to feel and really be the happiest girl! To bring all this come true, I need to work really hard, in my education, work and savings. I'm only 20, I'll give myself 5 years to work hard, to own a house of my own, a car of my own and a stable income. That will be the time I purpose my feelings towards her if she's still single and available. I will keep close contact with her this 5 years, try my best to be there whenever she needs me. Be the man that she can count on and lean on. If she has become other's love, I'll still greet her as I believe she have the right to choose a better one.

The main reason I wrote this post is to make a promise here. I will not simple get into any relationship if I can guarantee her a good future. I don't wish to have any secondary puppy love relationship anymore, I want a relationship that can last for my whole life. If she's my Miss Right, I will promise to give her the very best of what I have. 

Princess, You're the most perfect girl I've ever seen in my life. I don't know how you feel towards me, but just wanna thank you for bring such a wonderful moment for me this pass 8 months. I appreciate it so much. I'll work my very best and hope we can be together after 5 years!

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