Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Editing Achievement!

Finally I've receive the result from one of the short film competition that I joined!
We've manage to win one of the award and were invited to attend the prize giving ceremony in New York!
I'm so happy when I saw the email written CONGRATULATION!
I'm hyper excited now. Although we're invited but we still need money to travel there.
What my team, YsYProduction can do is just hoping that there's sponsors.
Really hope that I can travel to one of my wish list destination!

Another of our production name "我(们)的故事" My(Our) Story, is still being processing in another competition.
This short film is not as good as how we aspect it to be.
But we've learn a lot from it. 
We learned how to mange with sponsors and a lot more.
Hope we can achieve something from this video~

One the other hand, my class, E5 had just joined a short film name 48hours Film project!
This film competition had really brought our class together.
Our Film name Is "Unbox"

Despite all the argument we had before, we still manage to work as a team.
In fact, this competition made us stronger.
Our team name is Unicorn Production!
Our short film will be screen at KLCC TGV cinema on 13th October 2012.
I'm excited + afraid!!!

This is the official trailer~

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