Thursday, November 15, 2012

School Assignment : Day 1, Day Last with Guts.

Gosh~ Today is one of my most daring day~
I was so daring where I bough a bottle of Sticky for a girl that I do not know.
But at last she still return it back to me~
It's ok, but I would really love be be a friend of her.
From what I know, she's from Sunway University.
And majoring in Business.
She mention that her name was Coco Lim (Not sure whether I'm spelling in right).
The first time I saw her was during our shooting.
This is how the story begin:
Once upon a time, there were a young handsome guy (ME),hahahaha. 
Went to Pavillion's Sticky Store for a school assignment shooting.

Okay let's stop crapping and be normal.

While I was focusing on the Sticky and then panning to my left.
Suddenly a gorgeous girl appear in my tight screen.
I was like WAO~~~
This was the shot~

She's like an angel~
Hahahah..After that we went to...
KFC, for lunch~

Guess what?
She was having her lunch there too~
I sneak at her for a few times.
I may sound like a pervert but truly, she looks amazing.
After that I walk of to continue my shooting at Pavillion's sticky.
I was hoping that she will return or just walk by again.
And that really happen.
She went back to the Sticky store and she was like so close to me.
I could instantly fell my head red and started burning.
I was so shy to the max~
I saw her friends were like looking around  at the Sticky, so I thought of getting one for them.
I walk to the counter without any more thinking, and bought a bottle of Sticky.
As I turn back~
As if like there were magic, they all went disappear ~
A sudden depression struck on me~

I walk slowly out of the store and told Carson, if you see that girl again pass this Sticky to her and say It's from me.
In my heart, I was like, "If larh"!
Suddenly I saw Carson walking away rapidly to the girl~
I quickly hide myself ~
And again~ Dang dang daang dang~
I go RED~
Carson went to her and told her "This is given from my friend named YuKee, by the way, may I know your name?"
She told Carson her name~
At that moment I was like so darn shy but a little bit happy inside..hahah
Then the whole thing have pause there.

While I wanted to leave Pavillion. I went to the toilet.
Once I'm out, Soong MJ, wave at me.
I went to her, and MJ told me she return the Sticky to me~
I was like~~~ AWWWWW~~>.<
At last, I did not give her anything~
She don't know me~
And I know just a little about her.
It's a meaningful day for me~
Really hope to have a chance to be her friend~^^

What's the ending of the story?
Look at this picture below~

I'm left with nothing but Sticky~
Really hope I didn't scare her of~
Let's end this post with this Chinese line: 有缘在见!

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