Thursday, July 11, 2013


Princess is finally one year older! But she still looks so young as before. Yesterday, I finally took my 1st step to tell her that I'm going to be serious is chasing after her. Of cause I do not have the guts to tell her verbally. I wrote everything in her birthday card. What have I prepare for her birthday? 

For the first time in my life I handmade a birthday card for someone. I cooked spaghetti, bought a necklace, bought her favorite candy and also burn lots of songs to keep her from boredom when she's driving. It took me 3 weeks to prepare everything. I do hope she's happy. 

She was so busy yesterday and I only manage to spend my 45 minutes with her. I still do not know what she thinks and feel about me. That will remains as a suspense for me since it's not something that I'm rushing about. I believe many people out there have already know that I'm in to her since January 2013. So I have nothing to be shy about to hide this fact. Probably I'm more daring in blog than reality. Tomorrow will be her Law exam. Wishing her all the best! 

It's a sad thing that I do not have much time to spend with her (I wonder she have time for me or not? Haha). Tonight will be rushing My International Relation Final Assignment and tomorrow will be rushing my Commercial Editing Assignment. As for Saturday until Monday, will be spending time with D1 Production for the upcoming short film!

This is a photo of me and my beloved Princess!