Monday, November 12, 2012


Time flies, so fast another year had passed~
I'm officially 19th~
 My family members are the first one to wish me this year~
Continued by my buddy, Mr. CYang.
Then my beloved JieRou.
Then the best big brother, Mr. Julius Ang.
Then surprisingly Ms. Kelly wishes me~
Then I receive Ms. ChuHui's call.
Then Tracy wishes from Facebook~

Let's see.
Last year, I have a girlfriend to celebrate with me, what about this year?
I've no new partner, so I shall celebrate it by myself.
I actually hope SHE can message me a wish, but I know it's impossible.
So what I ask for is, at least she think of me today, I don't mind even it's just a second.
I miss HER so much~
Can I skype with you? Just a friend to friend talk~
So, this is a new year for me.
What I have to achieve this year?

Time to list it out~
> Career improvement
> Academically Improved
> Healthy body

Hmm..nothing more than this~
The rest I shall keep in my heart~
Happy Birthday YuKee, I wish myself~

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